How Political Parties Harness Admiration and Trust to Woo Jobless Minds and Redirect Loathing
In social media, emotions can be both a driving force and a tool for manipulation. Plutchik’s cone of emotions throws some light on understanding emotions and giving people the emotional intelligence to then use it in their best interest. Trolls are everywhere today. And while we know how to best ignore them, this cone made me see a world I have never bothered understanding. Why are trolls the way they are? Why do they behave the way they do? Why are they so angry and how are they so efficient and unified? To know that, we need to understand the underlying emotion that drives people’s behaviour, and that’s where the Plutchik’s wheel of emotion helped me see this world differently. A look at that chart and understanding how it works made me realize how political parties are tapping into the loathing minds of the unemployed to make them trigger happy trolls. Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotion Rober Plutchik was a famous psychologist who created the wheel by studying animals. He...