The Common Denominator
I am baffled and confused as to what binds us all human beings together. What's that connecting factor in friendship? What is it that makes me like one's company or them mine? Is friendship all about finding that common denominator and not letting it go? MUSIC Some say that music is a common factor among many unknown faces across the corners of this flat world. But again, it's extremely hard to pin point at the theory and one both agree and disagree. MUSIC is infinite. The many genres present are like small representations of the universal self that it is. So, when I say that Music is a binding factor, I'd believe it is in the bigger scheme of things but unfortunately, this concept is not how it is heard, even though it may be the very idea in which it is played. Some detest Hip Hop, others break dance away to the beats. Some sleep away like a baby in Indian classical concerts sometimes spanning hours and others follow every note played and close their eyes just to FEE...